Monday, September 13, 2010

Otago Amateur Movie Makers Inc. (OAMM) Competition Rules

Otago Amateur Movie Makers Inc. (OAMM)
Competition Rules

These rules are broken into several sections. The first section consists of General Rules that apply to all competitions run by the OAMM unless overruled in the Specific Rules for that competition.

General Rules
Unless otherwise specified the competitions are only open to financial and Life Members of the OAMM.
To be considered in a competition, the film including the title and end credits must keep within the time limits set out in the Specific Rules.
All entries to be labelled with the Competition entered into, the name of the Film and the Filmmaker, and the Running time.
Judging is to be carried out as detailed under the Specific Rules.
An Entrant may only submit one film per competition per night.
Where entries are accepted on the night the films should be handed to the Competition Secretary not later than 7.25pm on the Club Night.
Where there is audience voting, a draw will decide the order of screening in each competition.
Copyright issues regarding music and other matters are the sole responsibility of the entrant.
Copyright of the film remains with the filmmaker.

Entrant’s Contribution
Where any movie submitted for competition contains material not taken by the entrant or under his/her supervision, that material shall not occupy more than 10 percent of the movie including Title and End Credits but shall not be taken into account by the judges. The sources must be acknowledged in the credits. Examples of such material include clips from TV, films by other  filmmakers and photographs not taken by the entrant. This is not an exclusive list.
In addition the sources of any audio must be acknowledged including the title and composer.
“Club Subject” Competition
The video should relate significantly to the Topic. If this is not the case the judges are to reduce the marks awarded.

"Own Choice” Competitions
There is no topic restriction. Members are free to search widely for ideas and experimentation is encouraged. It is hoped exciting films will be produced by Members.
Except for the Arthur Richardson Award, films will be judged by the audience. The judges are requested to take into account the effectiveness, the audience appeal, the quality of the filming, editing, sound, the degree of difficulty and whether or not the film complies with the specified subject. More details are in Appendix ‘E’.

Appendix ‘A’
Additional Rules for Specific Competitions

Arthur Richardson Award (ARA)
The ARA is the premier award of the Otago Amateur Movie Makers Inc..
When awarded the Trophy will be presented at the Club’s Award night in November of each year.
The film subject for the year 2010 and until changed is “Open”.
The film including the credits must be longer than ten minutes in length but not more than twenty minutes.
Entries must be received by the Chairperson of the Competitions Sub Committee or the President on or before the closing date 1st October in each year.

         A panel of three Judges selected by the OAMM Committee will judge the competition.
It is recommended that two non-competing members be appointed to the Judges Panel and one non-member with recent filmmaking experience.
If in the Judges opinion a film does not reach the standard of a premier award, they reserve the right to withhold the awarding of the trophy.
Club Subject Aggregate Cup.
The cup will be awarded annually taking all the Club Subject competitions into account.
The method of calculations is detailed in Appendix ‘B’

Club Open Aggregate Cup.
The cup will be awarded annually taking all the Club Open competitions into account.  (Excluding the Arthur Richardson Award).
The method of calculations is detailed in Appendix ‘B’

Appendix ‘B’
Method of calculation of aggregate results. (See Peter Begg)

Appendix ‘C’
Detailed Programme for 2010

Appendix ‘E’

The Judges are requested to take into account:-

The Visual Elements including camera steadiness, exposure, lighting, composition and variety of shots.

The appropriateness of the Audio including Voice Over, Dialogue, Music, Balance and Quality.

The Editing including Technique, Effectiveness, Continuity, Pace and Transitions.

The Story/Script including Originality, Approach to the Subject and the appropriateness of the Pace of the film.

Overall Effctiveness. Does the movie work? Does it Entertain, Inform, Evoke an Audience Response? Also to be taken into account is the Degree of Difficulty in what has been attempted.

Most important the degree of interest generated by the film.

The Judges are requested to write the placing (ie. 1, 2, 3, ….) against each appropriate film.

Version Final 6.0    31 July 2010.